
Pizza with Meat Recipe


Pizza dough.
Mozzarella and grated emmental cheese.
Minced meat.
Red and green peppers.

First place the dough in a pan and make some holes with a fork to prevent the formation of embossing on it, then pour a layer of tomato and add the mozzarella. We put the dough baked to precook for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

On the other hand sliced red peppers and green (the amount to everyone's taste) and the FRY in the Pan then add the minced meat and we do it (not passes nothing if not quite done, because then it finishes do in the oven) Finally we add a little tomato.

We remove the dough from the oven and add the meat, finally we ended up baking the pizza so we put it another 10 minutes, take her off and then spread the grated cheese on top for Gratin 5 minutes more.